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Disability Studies

A guide to resources related to disability studies

Accessible Databases

For the purposes of this guide, an "accessible" database is any journal article database that provides multiple alternate formats of articles. This may include downloadable audio files or HTML-format articles.

For more accessibility tips, please see the Open University UK Database Accessibility Tips.

Accessibility Guides

Audio files available

Gale Databases include a "Listen" option on all articles, which is a simple text-to-speech option built into the interface. You can listen to an article in the browser, or download an mp3 for later listening.

EbscoHost Databases offers a simple text-to-speech "Listen" option for any articles available in HTML. Ebsco does not allow you to listen to PDF articles. Articles can be listened to online or downloaded as an mp3 for later listening. In addition, you can also automatically translate HTML articles in other languages, but the "Listen" option is not available for translated articles.

Articles are in HTML

Project Muse Premium Collection includes HTML articles for many of their journals. HTML can be accessed through the "View" link for any search result. "View Summary" means the article is only available in PDF. 

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