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U.S. Government

Legislative Information

Days in Session of the U.S. Congress

Congressional Calendars

U.S. Senate
The official web site with links to members' pages, committees, roll call votes, and recent legislative activities.

U.S. House of Representatives
The official web site with links to members' pages, committees, roll call votes, and recent legislative activities.

Guide to Congress
Washington, D.C,: CQ Press, 2008
Case Reference JK1021.C565 2008

CQ Weekly 1988- online
Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report v.24 (1966) - v.56 (1998):  LASR Journals

Vital statistics on Congress
Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 2008
Case Main JK1041 .V57 1980-2008
Online zipped Excel file (from Brookings Institute & AEI)
A joint effort undertaken by Norm Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute and Tom Mann of Brookings, in collaboration with Michael Malbin of the Campaign Finance Institute.

Contains useful data on congress, including the election and composition of its membership as well as its formal procedure, such as the use of the filibuster, informal norms, party structure and staff. This dataset also documents the increasing polarization of Congress and the demographics of those who serve in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives.

Many government titles have their own indexes (e.g. Congressional Record), not listed below. Ask a research librarian for help.

Digest of Public General Bills & Resolutions
Case Ref Documents LC 14.6: 90th Congress- 101st

History of Bills and Resolutions
A section of the Congressional Record that lists actions taken on a bill with references to Congessional Record page numbers

Search the Colgate Libraries catalog by popular name of the law or by topic. Subject heading often includes the phrase legislative history.

House Calendar 104th congress (1995)-present
Officially: Calendars of the U.S. House of Representatives and history of legislation. Useful for tracking the process of legislation. Covers both House and Senate.

United States Statutes at Large
Each law has an abbreviated legislative history printed at the end of the law.

The Legislative Process.
A video with transcript from

The Legislative Process

How our Laws are Made
House Document 110-49

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