Coverage: 1949-present. Produced by the American Theological Library Association, covering biblical studies, world religions, church history, and religious perspectives on social issues. Terms of use
A nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends by conducting public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research.
An open book review website published by the American Academy of Religion (AAR) that provides up-to-date coverage of scholarly publishing in religious studies, reviewed by scholars with special interest and/or expertise in the relevant subfields.
A national nonprofit that equips the next generation of citizens and professionals with the knowledge and skills needed for leadership in a religiously diverse world.
Zotero is a free bibliographic management tool that allows you to collect, organize, and cite your sources. You can also use it to quickly generate a bibliography.
My Loan is Colgate's interlibrary loan service that facilitates borrowing books not available from ConnectNY and requesting copies of journal articles from other libraries. If you have not used this service before, create an account using your Colgate login credentials.