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PCON 201 - Processes of Peace & Conflict

This guide brings together information resources for Prof. Monk's Fall 2024 class.

Physical maps in Books (including atlases)

Search the Classic Catalog (access from the Research tab on the library home page):

1. By Keyword

Example: maps American Revolutionary war

Example: civil war maps

Example: Atlas Russia

2. By Subject 

Example: Atlases

Example: maps Vietnam

Example: historical geography russia

Search the One Search box on the library home page. Use the limiters in the left column to limit your results to maps.

Online maps

Main Search box on the library home page

After your initial search (e.g. Civil War maps), limit your search by Content Type to Maps from the left-side menu. Many of your results will be online maps available through the Library of Congress.

You can also do a search on an organization that creates maps, e.g. U.S. Army Map Services.


Databases with articles that may include maps

Colgate University Libraries | 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346 | 315-228-7300