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Intergroup Dialogue

Resources for students, faculty and staff at Colgate who are interested in learning more about Intergroup Dialogue/Relations.

About this list

Summer 2020

Colgate owns a lot of books that have been featured reading lists for Black Lives Matter, Antiracism, Black Feminism, Black Womanism, White Supremacy, African-American History, Civil Rights, Black Culture, and similar topics. Unfortunately, most of them are in print and/or checked out for the summer. This is a small collection of ebooks, which are available to all Colgate students, faculty, and staff, wherever you may be. These books were drawn from these reading lists: The Lemonade Syllabus, NYT's Antiracist Reading List by Ibram X. Kendi, Antiracism: A Starter Booklist, Antiracism Resources, Notable Books on Systemic Racism, and Shareable Antiracism Resource Guide by Tasha K. 

This list isn't meant to be exhaustive, but to give the Colgate Community access to resources while access to the campus is limited. If you have suggestions to add to the list, please email Debbie Krahmer. 


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