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FSEM 187 - Age of American Revolution

This guide brings together library resources for Prof. Hodges' Fall 2023 course.

Primary Sources in Books

Books also contain collections of primary sources such as letters or historical documents. Some strategies for locating these include:

  • Add the keyword "sources" as a subject term to your search in the catalog 
  • Add keywords for specific types (e.g. letters, correspondence, diaries) of primary sources to your search terms in databases or the library catalog
  • Use the date limiter to focus on the time period of interest to you
  • Peruse bibliographies of articles and books you find for references to primary sources and then do a title search in the library catalog for any specific primary sources or collections of primary sources that you see cited elsewhere
  • When searching databases for articles, notice any book reviews that are included in your results list
  • Check the subject headings associated with any relevant sources you find. Some of these may include terminology that will help you to locate primary sources.

Colgate University Libraries | 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346 | 315-228-7300