Welcome to the Colgate University Libraries' Remote Learning & Teaching Guide.
Librarians are here to assist you in all of your teaching and learning endeavors, including online. You can always contact us with further questions and concerns.
For information on physical and digital resources, please see this page. Further questions on this topic can be forwarded to Heidi Ziemer, Head of Borrowing Services - hziemer@colgate.edu.
Liaisons -
Arts/Humanities - Jesi Buell, jbuell@colgate.edu
Social Sciences - Lynne Kvinnesland, lkvinnesland@colgate.edu
Sciences - Peter Tagtmeyer, ptagtmeyer@colgate.edu
University Studies - Debbie Krahmer, dkrahmer@colgate.edu
Special Collections & Archives - Sarah Keen, skeen@colgate.edu
If you have questions about accessibility, please contact Debbie Krahmer, Accessible Technology Librarian, dkrahmer@colgate.edu
This guide will continued to be updated.
Colgate University Libraries | 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346 | 315-228-7300