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Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan

Do you need a journal article or book that Colgate libraries do not have or that is currently checked out? We can try to get it for you!

Interlibrary loan (ILL) is the sharing of library materials worldwide. We find and borrow the resources you need that Colgate does not have (and we lend our materials to other libraries).

Log into "My Interlibrary Loan" to place a request or use the "Request From Interlibrary Loan" feature found in many of our databases.

ILL requests will be sent to our library for you to pick up. You will be notified via email when they have arrived and you can check the status of your request via "My Interlibrary Loan" at any time. You can pick up materials at the Borrowing Services Desk on the third floor of Case Library and the service desk in Cooley Library.  

Articles and book chapters are sent to "My Interlibrary Loan"  as pdfs. You can download these and save them in the cloud or on your computer.  

  • Interlibrary loans are typically requested from another library within 24 hours.

  • Allow one to two weeks for an item to arrive.  Books are shipped via regular mail.  Articles usually arrive sooner.

Colgate University Libraries | 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346 | 315-228-7300