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Accessible Archives terms of use

Accessible Archives terms of use

Includes the right to electronically display the database, the right to print extracts from the database for the purpose of study and research, the right to include materials in electronic reserves for Colgate classes, and the right to download small portions of the database. User may include portions of the database in any article appearing in a printed journal or other publication so long as Accessible Archive receives appropriate attribution. 

Walk-in (non-Colgate) use allowed? Yes
Remote access allowed? Yes 
Number of Licenses: unlimited 

Reserves allowed? Yes 
Can be used in Course Packs?

Downloads allowed? Yes 
Email downloaded items? Yes, within copyright restrictions. 
Emailing records allowed? Yes 
ILL allowed? No 
ILL Limits: ILL not permitted 
Restrictions? CU only 

Colgate University Libraries | 13 Oak Drive, Hamilton, NY 13346 | 315-228-7300