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Latin American Studies

Resources for Latin American Studies


Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC) 
LANIC is affiliated with the Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies (LLILAS) at the University of Texas at Austin. LANIC's mission is to facilitate access to Internet-based information to, from, or on Latin America. 

Basic Country Health Profiles for the Americas. 
The Pan American Health Organization provides this information.

Columbia International Affairs Online - CIAO 
Coverage: 1991-present. A comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs.

FAMSI Research materials 
The Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies and the Museum Library of the University of Pennsylvania provide many links to key Mesoamerican materials including the Bibliografia Mesoamericana. The latter covers published literature on Mesoamerican anthropology from the early 16th century to the present. Other notable inclusions are a Maya who`s who, the Maya Vase Archive, and the Tikal Digital Access database.

Latin American Government Report Archive 
This site seeks to preserve and facilitate access to a wide range of ministerial and presidential documents from 18 Latin American and Caribbean countries. The Archive contains copies of the Web sites of approximately 300 government ministries and presidencies. Capture of sites began on multiple dates in 2005 and 2006.

Latin Americanist Research Resources Project 
This a cooperative initiative of North American, Latin American, and Caribbean libraries that seek to improve access to the array of research resources published in Latin America. Includes Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents, Latin American Open Archives Portal, and a digital collection of Mexican and Argentine Presidential message from the 19th century.

Parallel Histories: Spain, the United States, and the American Frontier i 
The National Library of Spain, the Biblioteca Colombina y Capitular of Seville and the Library of Congress offer this bilingual, multi-format English-Spanish digital library site which explores the interactions between Spain and the United States in America from the fifteenth to the early nineteenth centuries. 

Political Database of the Americas 
The Political Database of the Americas (PDBA) is a non-governmental project of the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at Georgetown University in collaboration with institutions like the Secretariat for Political Affairs of the Organization of American States and FLACSO-Chile. PDBA offers centralized information about institutions and political processes, national constitutions, branches of government, elections, political constitutional studies and other subjects related to the strengthening of democracy in the region

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