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POSC 389 - Constitutional Law: Structures and Powers (L. Bierman)

Resources for POSC 388, 389 students' debate preparations.

Searching for Books

Searching library catalogs by keyword, then by exact subject heading, will allow you to locate books which are devoted to, or have a chapter/essay devoted to, analysis of your topic. Footnotes and bibliographies found in these works are rich sources of further research material.

Catalog & WorldCat

Sample exact subject searches:
Constitutional amendments -- United States
Constitutional history -- United States
Constitutional law -- United States
Constitutional conventions -- United States
United States Constitution
United States Constitutional Convention (1787)
United States Constitution 1st Amendment  (or other amendment)
Words that describe the subject of each amendment,
     e.g. Firearms -- Law and legislation
           Searches and seizures -- United States

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